Saturday, September 23, 2017


We left the IVY Club on Monday morning at 8:15 on 9/18.  It did not start out well.  When Tim put boat in gear, we heard a "thud".   Probably something below us at dock.  Fingers crossed, props are OK.
We arrived Peoria lock at 9:20 & did not get thru till 10:55.  Our plan was to anchor behind Quiver Island.  As they say, the best laid plans....  Water again skinny.  We registered 3 feet not far in & we were afraid to chance it.  Unable to get into marina, Tall Timbers, again due to skinny water.  Our next hope was Logston Tug service.  Once again fingers crossed.  We had no cell service, so unable to call & confirm room for us.   We made it at 5:45 & the boats already there, moved & tightened up to get us in.  By now it was raining.  It had been a long day for Riley.  Now we needed to get him on the barge avoiding all manner of logs & lines & cleats to get him to a steep, metal grate stairway.  It did not go well.  He got his leg stuck between some logs.  He was crying, but we finally got him out.  I examined him, but could find no injury.  When we got him to land he had difficulty squatting.  Not good, since that is the position for dogs to relieve themselves.  He did not poop that night.  (TMI?).  He did not sleep well that night either.  Luckily he had a good day patrolling for Asian Carp.


We left that harbor of refuge at 7:30 on Tuesday morning (9/19).  We had to go thru one more lock on  the Illinois, the La Grange.  We had heard there was shoaling on the down bound side of & tows were lined up all along the river on both sides of the lock.  We got to the lock just in time to go in.  We had to agree that we drafted less than 3.5 feet or they would not let us thru.  I agreed!  Just wanted to get to the other side & figure it out from there.  Anyway there were boats in front of us that would run aground before we did.  As it turned out we were never in any less than 8 feet of water.  The day started out with thick fog that did not burn off until noon.  Still no cell service.  Riley gave up on the carp until he heard one hit the boat & he kept guard until we got to port.  It was a slow run.  Tim could not take it up past 1000RPM's due to the vibration.  The boat will have to be looked at.  We were passed by trawlers!  We finally arrived in Grafton, IL at 5:30.  Grafton was a nice port.  They had a swimming pool which we used as it was in the 90"s.  Riley got a bath.





And finally today Thursday 9/21.  We only ran for 2 hours & no locks.  We are in Alton, IL.  Plan to stay today & tomorrow.  Have not been to town yet.  Too hot & muggy to walk.  Tim is renting a car so we can do some shopping to get ready for the next leg of the trip.  Marinas will be far apart.  Also he needs oil as it is time for a change.
We passed Our Lady of The Rivers Shrine.  It was erected in 1951 when the village of Portage des Sioux was saved from flooding.  Every year in July they have a blessing of the fleet there.


Random Musings

Things I miss:

My Friends 

2 ply TP

Nail places, I was reduced to doing my own pedicures!

Identity Hair Design, thinking of shaving my head!

Things Riley misses:

Being off leash & running

His walks in the Kopf Reservation

Things Tim misses:

Breakfast at Bay Diner (Me too)

His chair


We will be leaving here tomorrow, Saturday.  No Marinas for at least 3 days & probably no cell or Internet connection.  Wish us well๐Ÿ˜€

Just realized I never posted this, so I will just add to it.  It is Saturday 9/23.  We made the decision not  to leave Alton today.  We will not leave till Wednesday.  We are waiting out the heat.  90 degree days at a marina with a pool & power to use our air conditioning sounded like a really good idea.  Riley rarely leaves the cabin even when we are sitting out back.  Too hot.


Sunday, September 17, 2017


We left Heritage Harbor on Friday 9/15 @ 8:30 AM.  Little early for us.  Arrived @ Starved Rock Lock @ 10:00 AM.  It was about 2 hours getting thru with wait & locking.  We were checking out anchorages as we went, as it was our plan to anchor. When we tried to access any of the anchorages, our depth finder quickly registered 0.  Unable to use any of them as it has been a dry summer & all the water is skinny.  It appeared our only option was IVY Club at mile 167.9.  We had made reservations for the next day, so we called to make sure there was room today.  That meant 74.4 miles today.  At our current speed, we would arrive after dark.  Not good.  The decision was made to open her up & we could make it well before dark.  Tim watched the channel markers & I was glued to the depth finder.  Calling out depth as we went.  We made it at 5:45 PM to our relief.  Riley was also relieved.  In more ways than one!!  It was a long exhausting day & an early night.

Saturday dawned warm & sunny.  It got to 87.  The IVY Club is on a 4 lane highway, so difficult to find a good walk.  There is a small beach, so we tried that.  Riley doesn't understand swimming.  He just stands in the water & drinks.  That has led to vet trips & medication in the past, so we pulled him out & looked again to walk.  Eureka.  We found a long & winding road with shade.  Tim's phone app said we went up 23 flights.  On this walk it was evident the season is changing.  When looking at the trees, there is a subtle color change & the ground is littered with leaves.

On the way up we passed a house with giant pumpkins growing in the yard.  I stopped to ask what his secret was.  Said this was the first time he grew them & he just threw in the seeds!  He also had a bumper crop of tomatoes.  He gave us a couple of tomatoes.


When finally got to the top, we found a Country Club, a park & mansions.



Today (Sunday) dawned cloudy & a little cooler.  It is only forecast to reach 79.  The plan was to leave for Tall Timber Marina.  Unfortunately, the Peoria Lock is backed up at least 4 hours.  It was down & the barges are lined up.  We will stay here today & try for tomorrow.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


The fridge was delivered a day early.  It was installed on Monday (9/11) & we left Three Rivers on Tuesday (9/12).    We were headed for a free municipal dock in Ottawa.  The big draw was it was in town & within walking distance to grocery stores.  Unfortunately, when we arrived it was full.  We were unable to find anything close further down the river, so we turned around for about 5 miles to Heritage Harbor Marina.  As luck would have it, we should have just stopped here to begin with.  They offered a free car to to town & a nice marina with restaurant on site.  Live & learn.

Plotting the rest of the journey on the Illinois, Mississippi, & Ohio is difficult.  Not many marinas, so we will probably have to anchor out.  My favorite Mistake, AKA, Riley, presents a problem.  We need to know where we anchor has some sort of shore line for him to visit.  Have been trying to check it out on Google earth.  Wish us luck.  We did meet some loopers that were kind enough to share information.  Have been trying to download a site Jean showed me that would help with this, but so far no luck.  Our connection is sketchy.

Another wrench in the Plan:  Lock 52 on the Ohio is closed for repairs.  If all goes well it will be open on Sunday.   If it doesn't open on Sunday, it will probably be a month.  That means a lot of commercial & recreational traffic stacking up.  Fingers crossed.

Plan to head out in the morning.  Hopefully the fog will not be as thick as it was this AM. It didn't burn off until 10.  We have plotted a tentative course of stops for the rest of the week.  It will probably be long days of running for the next few days, so you may not hear from us for awhile.

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Well we are at Three Rivers Marina/Yacht Club.


We left Michigan City on 9/8.  The fridge was left behind in their dumpster.  Getting it out required more maneuvering than I care to recount.
 It was not an ideal lake, but nothing Craic couldn't handle.   After some reflection, we nixed the Cal Sag & decided on the Windy City.  It took about 2.5 hours to reach Chicago.  We decided to stay on a mooring ball.  It was cheap & right in downtown.


 A tender was just a hail away to take us in to land.  We spent that day on the river walk.  We have been to Chicago many times, but always in the winter, so we never saw it from that prospective. It was fun & worth the trip.  That night was a different story.  The wind switched around & came out of the ENE.  We were rocking & rolling.  Difficult for humans to get on the tender let alone Riley.  & he was the one that needed to go to Land!  No sleep that night.  We were literally being tossed around in bed.  When the sun came up, it was clear it was not going to get any better.  The waves were crashing over the break wall, but we didn't care.  We had to leave.  One must traverse a lock from the lake to the Chicago River.  Not knowing what to expect & wanting to be prepared, Tim tied fenders on port & starboard.  Risky business with the boat being tossed around like it was, but he managed. The boat was ready.  All that was left was to release us from the mooring ball.  My job.  Simple enough.  Except it wasn't.  With all that bouncing around, the line got caught up in the anchor.  I had to lay down  & hang over the bow to disentangle.  Luckily it went well.  We were free!  Now for the trip to the lock.  5 footers & we were taking them broadside, but we finally made the lock.  Fun fact:  All must were life jackets in the locks.


 We were in the lock alone & it went quickly.  What a difference on the river.  Smooth & little traffic as it was early Saturday morning.


 We saw several water taxis & several sight seeing excursion boats.  There was only 1 bridge we couldn't clear & of course it was down.  We waited about a half an hour for it to open.

 It was a long day on no sleep.  10 hours.  We went thru 2 more locks, which I neglected to time, but they accounted for at least 2-3hours of the trip.


 The locals tell us we made good time.  When we arrived at Three Rivers it was just about sundown.  The owner & yacht club members were there to help us in, offer food & invite us to their bonfire.  It was a little nerve wracking as it is off the river & the water was covered with what looked like Lilly pads.  At times the depth finder read 00, but we took solace knowing it was a mud bottom & seeing some big boats tied up at the docks.  We docked without problem.  First impression:  I thought we were in the New Orleans swamps.  I looked around & all I could see was water, Lilly pads & demolished docks. (The docks were demolished in a flood some years ago.)  I asked if there was any land as Riley NEEDED to go out.  Harry, the owner. pointed to a line of trees & said Riley would find plenty of land on the other side.  The man probably thought I was crazy! The upside, a great club house & awesome people. They treated us to breakfast Sunday morning.   The town is 11 miles away, but Harry has offered to take us to town to shop.  We will take him up on that as we will be here until Wednesday waiting for the new refrigerator.


Day 8 at Michigan City, IN.  We are still waiting for a weather window.  Looks like it may be tomorrow.  It is time to move!!!
While waiting Tim has been working on our refrigerator.  We ordered & received a part which he installed & we thought our problem was fixed.  It is not.  Still trying for a fix, but have been shopping on line just in case.  Also contacted a marina further down the river to have a new refrigerator shipped just in case.
 Well the new fridge is ordered, and if all goes well we will pick it up at Three Rivers Marina on Tuesday.  Now the problem is getting the old one out & the new one in.


I told Riley we were going to Chicago & this was his reaction.  Can only imagine how he will react to  NYC, so I will not tell him till we are close.  Who wants to deal with all the enthusiasm???



Monday, September 4, 2017


Happy Labor Day.  We are still in Michigan City, IN. The town reminds of Ohio City or Tremont when they first started building back up.  Wanted to stay put for the holiday weekend & now we will just watch for a weather window.

Took a dinghy ride up the creek & stopped at Bridges for lunch yesterday, they allow dogs on the patio.

 Plan to head to the Calumet-Sag Channel from here.  That is were we will be out of our element for the first time on this trip.  Rivers & locks.  Others we have met assure me it is much easier/better than the lakes, but they are river people from the south!

The locals have all been more than kind.  One gentleman gave us his car to go to town to shop.
Another invited us to their yearly lobster boil.

Tim was pleased with the lobster!

Our dock partner,  a local, tried very hard to find us a repairman for our refrigerator.  Did I mention we have been having issues?  Any way, no luck.  Tim did some research, took it apart, found parts on line, called Chuck Lott, our repairman for all appliances at home, to confirm diagnosis & part.  They are now ordered & will be shipped here for installation.

Today started warm & sunny, now the wind is howling & it is pouring rain.  Riley & I got to go for a little run this morning & all 3 of us walked  this afternoon before the rain.  We were crossing a busy street when a car stopped & asked "Is that Riley?"  Others ask "Is that the jumping dog?"  He makes a name for himself where ever he goes.  Will try for a picture of the jump.  He is like Tigger.



We are in Michigan City, IN, but will start where we left off.

Saturday 8/26  we landed in Muskegon, MI.  Stayed the weekend. It was a nice day & an uneventful run.  What we did see were go fast boats running north along the shore.  I stopped counting after 20.  Just a line of rooster tails.  Very cool. Tim was guessing maybe a poker run. The stress mounted when we got into Muskegon Lake.  It was  VERY busy, with sailboats, under sail, (for those of you who don't know, under sail always has the right of way), pontoon boats, kayaks, paddle boards & power boats all going in different directions.  Many marinas, so there were many channels to watch for & stay in.  We were looking for one marina to fuel & another to dock.  All of that took the best part of an hour.   We were met at Muskegon Municipal by out friends Denise & Henry.  They drove from home to visit us.  We were very glad to see them & had a great time.  It was the night of the Mayweather & McGregor fight.  Dockers close to us planned to show it on a big screen on the dock.. Denise was instrumental in setting up & adding to the screen.  She just happened to have a dark sheet to put behind their white sheet & that is what makes it work.  Did I mention Denise also happens to be my hairdresser?  Good thing she brought her scissors ๐Ÿ’‡& magic potions, because I was in need!  She worked her magic while I sat at the picnic table.  All is well for another 4 weeks.

Monday 8/28 we left for Grand Haven.  What a difference on a Monday.  We were alone on the lake that was so busy on Saturday when we arrived.
The Grand Haven docks ran along the south side of the Grand River.  Just get off the boat & we were on land.
 The Grand is a busy river with freighters in & out night & day.  To see one of those huge ships run past you at night all lit up is an amazing sight.  Also saw a tug pushing a barge loaded with cement trucks & workers.  They were working on the break wall at the end of the river.
 The Coast Guard has a big presence in Grand Haven.  Tim was surprised it was not a group, but a station.
Across the river it was sand dunes & trees, but with a surprise.  A platform for a nightly synchronized water, light & music show.  We were able to sit on the boat & watch.  Sorry, as hard as I tried, I was not able to get video that would do it justice.
We met loopers from MS & TN.  It is too bad they are near the end of their run, because they would be fun to run with.

Tuesday 8/29 we ran to South Haven.  It was a nice lake, but the fog hanging over the land almost completely obscured the shore line.  What I did see flying by our boat was Monarch butterflies.  What I couldn't figure out was why they were headed north???
Tim's brother & sister in law, Paul & Carole, made another visit.  A good time was had by all.  I hope.
We planned to stay 2-3 days, but weather dictates travel plans & Wednesday had fair winds & after that, not so much.  We made the decision to run that day.

Wednesday 8/30 we left for Michigan City, IN.  It was a good run & a good decision.  We plan to stay here thru Labor Day.