Monday, September 4, 2017


Happy Labor Day.  We are still in Michigan City, IN. The town reminds of Ohio City or Tremont when they first started building back up.  Wanted to stay put for the holiday weekend & now we will just watch for a weather window.

Took a dinghy ride up the creek & stopped at Bridges for lunch yesterday, they allow dogs on the patio.

 Plan to head to the Calumet-Sag Channel from here.  That is were we will be out of our element for the first time on this trip.  Rivers & locks.  Others we have met assure me it is much easier/better than the lakes, but they are river people from the south!

The locals have all been more than kind.  One gentleman gave us his car to go to town to shop.
Another invited us to their yearly lobster boil.

Tim was pleased with the lobster!

Our dock partner,  a local, tried very hard to find us a repairman for our refrigerator.  Did I mention we have been having issues?  Any way, no luck.  Tim did some research, took it apart, found parts on line, called Chuck Lott, our repairman for all appliances at home, to confirm diagnosis & part.  They are now ordered & will be shipped here for installation.

Today started warm & sunny, now the wind is howling & it is pouring rain.  Riley & I got to go for a little run this morning & all 3 of us walked  this afternoon before the rain.  We were crossing a busy street when a car stopped & asked "Is that Riley?"  Others ask "Is that the jumping dog?"  He makes a name for himself where ever he goes.  Will try for a picture of the jump.  He is like Tigger.


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