Saturday, October 28, 2017


We are still at Aqua Yacht Club.  Hope to leave on Monday, weather permitting.   It is 80 today, but a storm is coming in Sunday with a real cool down forecasted.  I have been scouring the charts & books to  plan the route.  Even have plan A & B.  We will see how that goes.

It has been an interesting few days.  The boat is fine.  The shaft is finally aligned.  Hopefully that will take care of the vibration.  We will know when we take her out.  The bill was no where near as bad as I was expecting, so that was good.

Now for the interesting part.  Myself & Lori found a salon & were dropped off by our husbands.  We needed routine maintenance.  When we were finished they picked us up for all our running around.   We had numerous stops planned, but first, something to eat.  That is a rule when going grocery shopping!  Road construction & heavy traffic ruled. We were stopped in the left turn lane when a pick up truck motioned for us to turn in front of him.  We slowly started the turn, when BOOM.  Another car came barreling around him & slammed into us.  First time (& hopefully the last) I have ever been in a car when the air bags deployed.  At first, I had no idea what happened.  All I knew was my right hand & the right side of my face hurt.  A lot.  & then I noticed all the smoke.  After a quick assessment,  we got out.  We were able to get out on the drivers side.  Tim was in front passenger seat & I was in the back.  I then noticed, as did the others, we were having trouble hearing.  Air bag deployment is loud.  The pick up truck left, but others came running over.  They were all very kind.  They informed us, the woman that hit us was on pain killers.  She had either just left the hospital &/or the pharmacy.  Who knows.  She was busy hyperventilating & not talking.  She went by ambulance to the hospital.  We have not heard any more about her.  Hoping all is well. We all declined an ambulance ride.  Her car had damage to the left front corner.  A side note, no skid marks, so no braking ??? Our front was gone.  The police took our names, called the tow & gave our driver a ticket.  Now, how to get back to the marina?? Police would not take us, no Uber, no taxi.  Someone from the marina finally came & got us.  Thank you.  Tim's ear is still ringing & his right forearm looks like road rash.  My hearing is fine, but my inner ear throbs & the right side of my face is sore to touch, but no bruising.  My right first finger looks like a sausage.  He & I were in the process of waving thank you to the pick up truck driver when the air bags deployed.  Lori & Derek say they are fine.  Derek has a court date in November, which cannot be waived.  He is trying to get it moved up, so it can be taken care of before he leaves here.

Next day back to shopping.  We were able to accomplish it without incident.  We planned to tour Shilo while here, but don't think is going to happen.😞

A quick shout out to Pani from Riley.



CAR 54???






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